7 Top Red Carpet Beauty Tips

If you’re like me and love the awards ceremonies in Hollywood plus dressing up and going to an Oscar party with champagne and canapes, you will want to look your best. Here is my top 7 Red Carpet Beauty Tips to make you feel and look as glamorous as the stars.
1. Cleanse, buff and hydrate the skin. Many stars book into a salon for a hydrating facial, ensuring that their skin has had a deep cleanse, exfoliation and then a hydrating mask so their skin looks fresh, plump and glowing. If you do not have time for a salon visit, take extra time to give yourself a relaxing facial. Pay particular attention to removing dirt grim and dead dry skin and then apply a hydrating mask. Do not forget your lips .

Read: How to cleanse your skin correctly
Read: Best Makeup Tips to having Longer Lasting Lipstick.

2. Before applying your makeup, use a ice-cold press on your eye area to reduce any puffiness. Also apply to the whole of face, as it will cool the skin down before applying your makeup reducing the chance of foundation run-off.

3. The next Red Carpet Beauty tip will make or break your look. It is important when applying concealer and contour that it is apply them in multiple thin layers, then blending each layer in until you cover your flaws. A thick layer will not look natural and when you do selfies you will have these demarcation lines (not very attractive).

4.To cover any red spots use a blue concealer only on the spots and for extra heavy dark circles tries a yellow- or orange-based concealer, which neutralizes darkness beneath the eyes. To make the eyes look brighter use white eyeliner pencil on the inside of the lower eyelid. Also do what the stars do use a few drops of Visene to remove any redness and make your eyes glisten.

5.Take your time to do your makeup. When it is a special occasion I have a glass of champagne or sparkling water and sip slowly as I put my make up on. Remember to Blend Blend Blend! Blending is the key to perfect foundation; cheeks and eyes so do take your time. Don’t forget your eyebrows and do not over do them. You want them to look natural and help frame your face not overwhelm your face to a point that people only see your brows.

6.Don’t forget your hair. No use having the perfect face and tatty hair. The night before put a hair treatment through your hair and sleep in it. On the day, make sure you thoroughly wash and condition the hair ready for styling. Great styling products will help your hair to stay looking fantastic all night long.

7. The last Red Carpet Beauty Tip – If you do not have perfect porcelain skin then sun kiss your body with a bronzer or a fake tan. For the best result 1 day before the event, exfoliate the skin and then apply the fake tan. On the day, after you have showered, apply body butter and allow for it to absorb into your skin while you are applying makeup. Touch up your tan with bronzer to give that all over even glow.

Simple Red Carpet Beauty Tips

Follow these simple beauty tips for your body, hair and makeup and you will look as good as any celebrity on the Red Carpet. All that is left is choosing your outfit and enjoy the event.

Has the makeup style changed much from last year? We will report in a couple of weeks. Read: last 2015 Oscar Makeup trend.

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Debra Spence is a Qualified Medical Aesthetician, Cosmetic Scientist, Lecture and Author. Owned of an Australian National Award Winning Medi Spa. Now is concerntrating on Education of Skin and Skincare plus provideing advance treatments to her private patients. Plus developing Zen Dejour a Result Based Cosmeceutical Skincare Range and Dermal Solution Private Lable Professional Skincare.

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All products, material and information provided within this Website are for educational and informational purposes only. No medical claims are implied in the information given and it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Any reference to health benefits cannot be taken as a replacement for medical advice or prescription medication or seen as a diagnosis for a specific condition. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice or treatment of your medical professional. The information provided by in this website is believed to be accurate based on the best judgment of the author but the reader is responsible for consulting with your own medical professional / skin therapist. In no way is any of the content on this website to be construed as medical advice or instruction.